Help spread the word and support a good cause!
Proceeds from Mission Orbisculate T-SHIRTS, HOODIES, HATS, GLASSES, MAGNETS, NOTEBOOKS, BUTTONS, STICKERS, TOWELS and other squirt-protection essentials in a variety of sizes and colors benefit our partner charity, Carson's Village, which helps families in the immediate aftermath of a loss of a loved one.
We would love to hear about your decision to support Mission Orbisculate and Carson’s Village. Please send us your thoughts on why you contributed to squirt@orbisculate.com and we’ll post them in the comments section below.
Logo designed by Orbisculation Nation resident artist Megan O’Hara.
When we lost our father, we were amazed at how little guidance and support was available for the many things needed when someone passes away. Carson’s Village is working to change that. The organization helps grieving families with everything from funeral arrangements to finding ways to defray burial costs to information on organ donations to advice on writing an obituary. In addition, they support the family for over a year to ensure that they are healing in a healthy way on their path to their ‘new normal.’ All totally for free.
If you would like to donate to Carson’s Village directly, you can do so here.
Finally a lifelong problem has a name!
– Laura H.
Turning lemons into loving-ade.
– Jody P.
Absolutely love their story, honoring their father, and most of all, the word is hysterical! I love It! God Bless you guys and I really hope the word makes it to the dictionary.
I’ll be using the word on a daily basis!!!
– Richard S.
Because everyone should have their own word!
– Dale W.
Very worthy cause and wonderful children to honor their father!
– Colleen G.
It’s an awesome word and it helps a great cause!
– Rebecca W.
It's a great cause started by a great guy.
– Timothy G.
I love everything about this. Plus growing up in Orlando Florida, with citrus trees in my yard, I have experienced orbisculation many times! Good luck!!
– Deanna C.
One of my reading groups at school read the book “Frindle.” Thrilled to see the episode on Ellen, I just had to share the story with my class. We’ve been using orbisculate since. They are determined to see this word in the dictionary
– Lucille H.
I love the story! It sounds like something my husband would do, make up words … and having lost my dad, I think this is an amazing tribute.
– Michelle F.
I lost both of my parents last year – exactly 7 weeks apart. I wish I would have had someone to help me like this organization.
– Cathy R.
Love the word and Carson’s Village!
– Darla M.
I’m impressed with the way you are channeling your grief, and helping others learn to live with their new normal. I’m sorry for the loss of your dad. He sounds like he was a great character.
– Lauren G.
I was raised to love words and playing with them ... born to pun because of who my dad is! What better way to honor another dad who loved to play with words than to support a cause like this! Buying one for my dad too!
– Erin G.
I am always annoyed with orbisculation early in the morning. And if I write to anyone about it, spellcheck messes it up. So please get this into the dictionary.
– Teresa W.
You've heard of a "foodie?" I'm a "wordie."
– Jane C.
I just saw a YouTube clip from Ellen. Love this! I hope we can get this much needed word in Mr. Webster’s book! ORBISCULATERS, Unite!!
– Curtis F.
For no other reason than I love words! I found this word today while playing words with friends and I fell in love with it!!
– Annamarie A.
I freakin’ love words! And I love LOVE!!!
– Susan B.
My dad used to make up words too! This a beautiful idea and an excellent word.
– Lezlie D.
Majored in Linguistics in college and have always loved to learn about words! I want to help you get your dad's word, Orbisculate, into the dictionary!! Good luck!!
– Linda W.
Because it moves me and I had a Dad like that.
– Eloise W.
Makes my heart happy!!
– Sandra M.
I love words and I wish I could have made one of my own father’s dreams come true after we lost him in the Vietnam War. This is my little salute to your dad’s creativity and contribution to the literary world. Wishing you success!
– Michele C.
Just thought it was a great way to support a great cause. The aftermath of death (from any reason) leaves those who are left behind with such a plethora of emotions and tangible things to address. Glad to support this! XO
– Stacey O.
I love new words. I think this is a great way to honor your Dad. I had Coronavirus, gave it to my Mother. I made it through, she died from complications due to Covid with all her health problems. You go y'all!
– Anne M.
I loved the story about how their dad came up with this word. He sounds like a creative and fun dad. I am so sorry that he is no longer here due to Covid-19. So very sorry for their loss.
– Sabrina L.W.
Love words, hate Covid. I am so sorry for your loss and will wear this shirt in memory of your dad. Also buying one for my husband, who loves words, and my nephew who loves food. Bless you
– Elise M.
I love this story and want to be a part of spreading the word.
– Marcia T.
My college friends and I use to try to one up each other with unique words used in conversation. At times a words’ validity would be challenged and out came the dictionary to confirm or deny said validity. I saw your story on CBS news on 4/16/21.
– John S.
I'm a Registered Nurse, worked frontline through the covid pandemic. I’ve seen many pass away and many recover. I saw this family’s story on the news and thought it was an awesome way to honor their father. And I enjoy new, cool words.
– Lisa R.
I too have been a victim of orbisculation.
– Weston H.
Just saw the CBS news story. I’m a teacher and my staff was just discussing ways to increase our students’ vocabulary. I think we’ve found our first word! My parents raised us with a healthy vocabulary too and it is a treasure I cherish. Go Kriegers!
– Pam L.
Support services after death are greatly needed. Thank you for raising money for this charity.
– Gail H.
My class was baffled at the fact that any individual would use a spoon to eat an orange. Don't worry, they are a little behind the times!
– Rob G.
My late father made up words too!
– Beatrice F.
One word nerd to another, what a beautiful idea and amazing cause.
– Dina C.
It sounds like a great word and it reminds me of something my dad would do.
– Carl P.
Saw you on CBS Sunday Morning. My dad had a collection of his own words too. Love this!
– Mitch K.
I have lost both my parents and understand the pain. I think this is a great, positive undertaking for the family to keep this fun memory of their father alive.
– Tamara N.
Words matter. So do the people who use them.
– John Y.
I love and respect the story. Hugs to the family. I am so so ready to use this in Scrabble:-)
– Lisa E.
I saw your story on Ellen. I’m sorry for your loss, but happy that you’ve found such a fun, unique, and creative way to memorialize your father! I’m happy to support the work of Carson’s Village. What a needed organization!
– Aimee W.
I miss my dad. He'd have loved this project and been especially delighted to support two kids who loved their clever and cheeky-sounding dad. As a parent now myself, we'd have shared a laugh about this story and it would have sparked more conversation.
– Joanna S.
In honor of Dad.
– Tim S.
I am a 75-year-old businesswoman, 3rd-generation, grocer in Northern Michigan. My mom always cut around the edges so our grapefruit sections came out easy. I did it for my children too. We even had grapefruit spoons with scary edges next to our grapefruit.
– Jane D.
Just saw the story on the CBS news. LOVED this idea. A wonderful way to remember your father. My father pulled that kind of thing on us our entire lives! Told me Jiffy Pop popcorn grew on TREES! And I believed him!
– Catherine B.
I used to pay my sons $5 to learn strange words like cerumen. They had to be able to say the word, define the word, and use it in a sentence. I wish we’d known this word back then.
– Lori B.
I lost my Mom to Covid-19 on April 19, 2020. This donation will be in her memory!
– Melissa S.
Nothing beats a dad that makes you laugh or a great Seinfeld episode.
– David K.
Feel for the kids and love the story! My eyes teared up as if a grapefruit had orbisculated in them!
– Stacie K.
I had a father who loved words and stories and you always wondered what was really true. I miss him and this is a way to honor dads.
– Sarah G.
Saw the family’s story on CBS Sunday Morning and love this way of honoring their father’s life and just spreading joy!
– George U.
I saw you on CBS! What a wonderful father; I’m so sad for your loss. No doubt he would be amused and amazed by these efforts
– Janet O.
ORBISCULATE is an awesome word that just makes sense and it describes an occurrence that happens quite frequently in our day to day life! And the story behind its origin ... AMAZING
– Noemi P.
As a lover of words as teacher and librarian, a supporter of generous imagination and zest for life, and someone who knows the challenges of grief and loss, I support this family's spirit and the purpose of Carson's Village.
– Lynn R.
Because it reminds me of something my dad would have done and it touches my heart!
– Carol T.
A truly beautiful and fun way to honor your father.
– Laura W.
Watched on Ellen. Feel for the kids and love the story! My eyes teared up as if a grapefruit had orbisculated in them!
– Stacie K.
Thank you for sharing your story. My brother and I use to make up words; your story touched my heart.
– Kathy M.
To remember that we lost a lot of wonderful regular people that do not receive public acknowledgement and to support the children in honoring their father's memory. It's also a happy word if you think about it.
– Anonymous
A fun way to remember a loved one. We also recently lost a family member to Covid-19.
– Sara G.
We were in grade school before we learned that the 'buttons' in the road (Bott's dots) were NOT there for road crews' easy access to repairs - but were designed as a safety device. Dads are supposed to hoodwink us, it's in the bylaws. I love this.
– Melanie L.
Orbisculate is my new favorite word!
– Tracy G.
For all the Neils who've created such funny and sweet memories!
– Joseph P.
This is an incredible way to celebrate someone who used his creativity and influence to make the world a happier place. Let's all use orbisculate!
– Susan P.
My big brother died in 2017, and I missed an opportunity to have his name included on a space vehicle, which he would have loved. I think your homage to your Dad is lovely!
– Susan S.
I'm a professional copy editor and proofreader who believes that words matter (even those that are made up).
– Laurie C.
I love this story... I have created a few family-used words as well and think this is an amazing tribute to your father.
– Laura G.
My parent's love of language has enriched my life. Word play, reading the dictionary and just generally fooling around with sounds and definitions are highlights of my childhood. So of course I want to help you spread orbisculate.
– Linda K.
To help the family of Mr. Krieger reach their goal and support Covid long haulers like some of my friends and grieving families who are struggling through this pandemic.
– Mary D.
Just this morning an orange orbisculated while I was making breakfast. I'm officially retiring my use of "squirt" and helping spread the word. Orbisculate not only makes you sound smart, it's fun to say!
– Nicole A.
My Dad was a lover of words and language and he left me too soon at age 58— what a great way to honor their Dad. Well done!
– Tracy N.
Providing support to people after the death of a loved one is a wonderful act of compassion and empathy!
– Jill-Anne F.
I love FATHERS! Mine was awesome. Always need tank tops in AZ.
– Lucy C.
I recently lost my mom and this cause is amazing! Nothing is harder than dealing with logistics through grief. Sending Boston love!
– Amanda S.
Making lemonade out of the lemons of life.
– Teri J.
I love this awesome story! Your dear dad so reminds me of my dear Uncle Joe. May they and all rest in sweet peace. I will wear the orbisculate royal t-shirt proudly.
– Joyce B.
In honor of the Kriegers, I am going to make Seared Scallops with Orbisculata
– Mary Kay M.
My dad did the same thing when I was growing up. He made up some great ones. Like Hilary, I always believed my dad and was aghast as an adult to realize that so much was just silliness. My poor son now has to deal with my antics.
– Marly L.
Because the struggle is real and it needed a word.
– Wendy S.
I saw this on the CBS Sunday morning show and loved the interview! Plus, your story reminded me of my dad ... and the stories that join families together.
– Lynne H.
Read your story online. My Dad also invented words so can relate. Want to support your creative way to memorialize your Dad.
– Joan P.
My husband and I have lost all 4 of our parents in the last five years. What a wonderful way to remember you dad; I'm delighted to support and so sorry for your loss. Sending all my love and dreaming of the summer when I can rock this tank top!
– Susie G.
Such a great way to honor your dad’s memory. And, words are power.
– Jennifer L.
This story touched my heart and gave me an opportunity to do something positive during this dark time. I will smile every time a piece of fruit orbisculates me!
– Sheila S.
My husband died this year. He made up a lot of words too. I'm buying shirts in honour of him and his grapefruit loving, word-weird dad.
– Susan C.
Read about the campaign in the Washington Post. It's dynamite!
– Elizabeth S.
In memory of my late step-sister, Lori Conner, who died of Covid at age 54 on March 3, 2021, in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. I still grieve and have anger at politics causing tragedy. Lori always helped others, so I will help too.
– Lisa S.
Love words, love citrus, know grief and the loss of one's parents.
– Julia E.
What a wonderful way to show how fluid and dynamic language is.
– Colleen H.
My family has some "family only" words so we needed to share this with our grown children.
– Annette M.
My Daddy made up words too! Mostly he combined existing ones – “flustrated” was his unintentional but meaningful combo implying he was both befuddled and about to blow his top. He died in 2016, the day my daughter was born. Here’s to daddies.
– Juli F.
We've all been orbisculated on before, in one way or another. Let that fruit juice burn soothe our human pain and sadness far away, as we cry for new and more physically citrusy intrusions into our eyes.
– Katherine G.
For the love of language, to honour the Kriegers' father, and my own parents, too.
– Gloria P.
Deliciously nerdy campaign full of heart!
– Jennifer M.
What a great way to honour your father!! My family has a whole bunch of made up words we use – how amazing it would be for one of those words to catch on!
– Shai-Lin M.
Because our dad also likes to make up words! This is a lovely tribute to your father.
– Marc H.
Neil sounds like a wonderful man and father. Language evolves. Let’s help create a lasting memory and something positive from this heartbreaking time in our lives.
– Candis C.
To add a drop of good into the world.
– John E.
Your father sounds like a wonderful man and very much like my husband. I love grapefruits and when my eye is violated by the citrus of a grapefruit, I would be honored to yell that I got orbisculated!
– Fredricka B.
Luminous family, terrific word.
– Anne H.
Doing a small part to help heal two kids’ hearts.
– Becky H.
Like many others, I saw this story on CBS Sunday Morning and was touched. My father passed away the summer before going to college, so I know the importance of organizations like Carson’s Village. Power on and be careful with your morning grapefruit!
– Erin B.
My daughters lost their father when they were 18 and 20, so it is a cause near and dear to my heart.
– Clare B.
Love words. Your father deserves honoring for promoting a love of words and bringing joy to your family by doing it.
– Kathryn A.
I am supporting this campaign because I love words, and I love the story behind this campaign. Also, I've been the cause of and the receiver of many many orbisculations!!
– Jessica B.
I have been a victim of orbisculation. It's wonderful to now actually have a word to describe it!
– Christie G.
When I heard the story on CBS Sunday Morning it brought me to tears and laughter. Such a sweet dedication! I’m going to teach this word in my classroom! Spread the word! ORBISCULATE!
– Kayla L.
So many people have lost so many loved ones during this pandemic. This is an awesome tribute to their father, which will live on forever.
– Candice L.
I love words! My family's coined new words as well.
– Catherine P.
We need happy memories in this world and this one will certainly become one for this family.
– Colleen W.
I saw your story on CBS Sunday Morning and it reminded me of my mom and her many made up words which were a part of my childhood. I am very lucky to still have her and I would like to extend my condolences to your family.
– Isamy R.
Inspiring. What an amazing way to honor your father, both the word and donating the proceeds.
– Jeremy W.
Orbisculate conveys so much more than, "I got squirted in the eye by a grapefruit."
– Patricia S.
I lost my father in 2019 and know how hard not only losing a parent can be but the entire process of the aftermath. You're doing amazing work!
– John P.
Because your dad was fn AWESOME!!
– Heather W.
I saw the CBS Sunday morning piece and wanted to help. My son is a writer and always likes "new words"! This one is not only a great word, but a great reason to have it spread!
– Charles E.
For their dad and everyone who has lost their lives to this pandemic.
– Aja M.
Love the story! It's inspirational, especially during covid. I'm sorry you lost your dad (lost mine in 2018.) I know how devastating this loss is. I'm 100% sure that he is with you every single minute, because you're doing something he would do.
– Jackie L.
Your dad sounds like my dad. We’re very lucky to have had them.
– Jessica K.
A great word and a great idea. You guys clearly know how to do good and have fun.
– Michael D.
My son loves language and has dreams of having his own publishing house. Your story touched him.
– Jane C.
Great cause and there are so many stupid words in the dictionary while this one is perfect and belongs there!
– Sharon W.
I will also honor my father who loved “the King’s English” and was funny. Plus my wife always makes up new words accidentally which I believe is a condition but we aren’t sure what the word for that is!
– David E.
In honor of fathers who mess with their kids.
– Christine M.
It’s a great tribute to a funny man, who by the way appears to have been a wonderful father. And to his wonderful family. What a great project and tribute!!!
– Laurence G.
My father was a teacher. He also made up sayings that our family and his students would quote. He passed in 2018. It was hard on us. Thank you for doing this for your father. Peace and love to you!
– Sherri L.
Because my Dad, who also has passed, in 2012, loved to make up words.
– Karyn S.
Your story reminded me of my late Mom. She used words that no one else heard or used, but her words were found in the dictionary. Since I like grapefruit, this word is perfect to describe the experience when the juice escapes!
– Ann B.
More people should be like Neil. This is undoubtedly a good cause.
– George G.
I am grieving the loss of my husband of 33 years. Lance passes away in October of 2020 suddenly from a massive stroke. I know how difficult and non-linear the grieving process can be and I applaud you on finding a way through it.
– Terri J.
As a lover of words and in honor of an amazing scientist, husband and father, combined with my appreciation of all things quirky, how could I not! Thank you for sharing your Dad's story. Blessings upon you all!
– Karmen K.
I also lost my Dad to Covid. I wish your family the best.
– Judy T.
When I read the word and began reading the article, I could clearly see the fantastic humor your father had. You were fortunate to have spent the years you had with him. He made me laugh out loud in the first 10 seconds. What a guy!
– William S.
Thank you, sir, for naming “the thing that shall not be named” – fly high!
– Melissa K.
Read about this on CNN and was touched by it. My father used to memorize words from Reader's Digest’s "Towards a more picturesque speech" and then mangle them in an attempt to use them properly. He always left us scratching our heads and laughing.
– Steven F.
I love your creativity in the face of overwhelming grief and wanted to let you know that you're supported and loved, even if by strangers.
– Sarah M.
My mom is always making up words. Some are really good and, as a kid I thought they were real words too. I love this story. What a great way to celebrate their dad and get the world to know him.
– Carmita S.
I was touched by your NBC News THINK article about your father’s death. You touched on the same principles as Viktor Frankl's “Man's Search for Meaning.” Orbisculate!!
– Laura C.
A great word and a great idea. You guys clearly know how to do good and have fun.
– Mike D.
I lost my mom to cancer in December 2011. I am an only child and I had to deal with everything by myself. It was made even more challenging because I had lost my father 8 months prior to her death. Sounds like a great organization.
– Amy P.
I love words, and I love the devotion this family has to one another. What a wonderful way to bring joy from such a terrible thing.
– Natalie B.
Love is remembrance.
– Angelita B.
My husband died unexpectedly in October 2020 from a blood clot caused by Covid. I was overwhelmed with all I had/have to do after his death. Thank you for doing what you are.
– Barbara W.
Lost my mom in 2020 and appreciate the desire to not only remember your dad but also help others with loss. Also, I have forever been orbitsculated by both oranges and grapefruits.
– Susan O.
A pandemic is "verschluggeneh," and unless that word is Yiddish, my dad made it up, along with a lot of other ridiculous words my family used. Orbisculation reigns!
– Amy C.
I miss my own dad. And I would love to help you honor your dad. The charity benefitting sounds amazing so I want to help them. And I love the book Frindle by Andrew Clements and this reminds me of that book. Good luck!
– Rebecca S.
I lost my father when I was five and I feel the love you all have for your dad. Plus it makes me smile!
– Michelle V.
My dad used to read the dictionary as a kid. All through our youth we used to try to stump him. There was never a word he did not know. If we asked for a definition, he would say look it up in the dictionary, it’s good for you. What a great way to honor your dad.
– Rob S.
What a great story and, most of all for me, when my father died, I wanted to do the same thing: help other people go through the process and everything you need to do after a death.
– Kathy W.
I lost my dad to covid last November.
– Cleda W.
My husband and I have lost at least one parent in the past two years and know exactly how hard it is to get our parents affairs settled. We think this is a wonderful cause.
– Cheryl M.
We are always making up words in our family. This was such a lovely way to honor just such a word!
– Karen M.
I am an SLP who works to share the love of words with my students. I also had a wonderful and funny father like yours. So sorry for your loss . Your dad sounds like he was an incredible human being! I promise to spread the word on his word!
– Thomas B.
I lost my dad when I was 18. I had no idea programs like this existed out there to help those of us who have lost people we love. Also, the idea of honoring their dad’s memory by spreading the word seems like the very least I could do.
– Karina S.
Awesome way to remember a loved one and inspire others to leave a stamp of their own originality on this earth.
– Jerolyn O.
Such a creative way to remember your Dad and a great way to pass his memory on to all future generations of your family. When I use my apple slicer gizmo when baking with apples, I get orbisculated multiple times! Right there with you.
– Judy K.
Just doing my part to SPREAD THE LOVE!
– Jami H.
I think that this is a great way to honor your dad, and as someone who has lost both my dad and mom and who understands how hard it is, I think that this is a good charity to support.
– Cynthia B.
I am so sorry for your tremendous loss. What a wonderful way to honor your father’s life, creativity and sense of humor. Growing up I too learned many “words” from my dad only to find out when using them, that they were made up.
– Stephanie K.
May the memory of Neil be forever associated with a smile and the love of his two children!
– Donna S.
This is a beautiful way to celebrate life. Plus, I want you to get that $5 back – I always knew there was a word for that!
– Nicole L.
I love words and think orbisculate is a good one! It's much clearer than "squirt." A squirt can land anywhere. I'm very into specificity! It sounds like your father was a funny guy. I'm sorry for your loss, but glad that you have such great memories.
– Amy C.
I’m sorry for your loss. I lost my exceptionally funny father a few years ago and still miss him. Wishing your family well with this great endeavor!
– Kia N.
Philanthropy channeled through grief takes immense courage. Such kindness from the Krieger family. A beautiful way to honor your father.
– Kristi L.
Our dad sounds like such a good person. I appreciate the way you are honoring his life. It’s one small bright moment in what has been a very dark time for all. Thank you for sharing your story and doing good for the world in a very tangible way.
– Susan B.
Thank you for a conversation starter to help people talk about all our losses. Thank you for thinking of the resource needs of those who are mourning.
– Harriet M.
This is just so awesome and original. And who hasn’t been squirted in the eye with a little citrus?! There’s a lot of love in that word so we’re going to use it.
– Terri R.
Loved the story. In honor of funny fathers everywhere!!
– Lisa T.
Great word! Wonderful, creative, spunky tribute.
– Alejandra S.
What this family is doing to honor the loss of someone they love is to truly keep him alive...not just in THEIR hearts, but in the hearts of perfect strangers as well. It’s beautiful and I’ve already added orbisculate to my vocabulary.
– Chrisanne H.
I lost my dad in early 2021 and want to help honor Hilary and Jonathan’s dad’s memory.
– Tammy D.
My friend Carolyn has always had her own lexicon (like “bolivious” for oblivious), and eventually she gets a few of us to use her new words!! Doing this in honor of your dad ... and my dear friend Carolyn.
– Margaret M.
Because any man who coined such a word and fooled his adult children into believing it is my kind of guy.
– Claire P.
Inspired by the beautiful way you are honouring your father – a permanent memory that will be used to inspire others (or warn them when cutting their grapefruit).
– Patti H.
I've had to deal with sudden loss as a young widow with a small baby --and to step more than once to try to help other people going through this. Each of these times, this kind of help would have been invaluable.
– Susan S.
My Dad passed away from covid on Jan 16. He was 77. I find comfort in knowing there are people out there making a difference from this horrible tragedy.
– Frances B.
My mother was an English teacher and growing up the dictionary was almost equivalent to the Bible in our house. After reading your story, I think it is a brilliant way to honor your father. May his memory be a blessing and his creative word live on.
– Jane S.
I am supporting your effort because there is nothing more inspiring than to see an effort that comes from nothing but pure LOVE.
– Deb C.
I lost my dad at 14. He left the legacy of "Osmondeen," a sparkly rock my sister and I found at the bottom of a creek where he took us swimming. It was only much later that we realized he made it up. We loved him. He would have loved “orbisculate.”
– Gabrielle T.
May Neil's memory be a blessing.
– Bill G.
For the wonderful parents who left us all with special memories and unique words or phrases.
– Ralph S.
Great story in the Globe. Lovely family. Sounds very similar to us. The dad in our family also makes up words. We have our own "dictionary"!
– Judith K.
I loooove this story – and am delighted to finally have a word for the citrus assault on my eyeball!
– Susanna G.
In memory of my son, Andrew, who made a regular practice of inventing new words.
– Lawrence M.
Lovely way to honor someone and it is a much better word than most going into dictionaries these days.
– Tracey W.
Love the teamwork between sister and brother. I am lucky to have this relationship with my brother. We lost our mom almost 4 years ago to cancer – 3 weeks from diagnosis to passing. It was unfathomable.
– Amy Z.
First and foremost: this word is the perfect word to describe the action, it just makes sense!
– Meg L.
We're avoiding orbisculatory activities in Europe too!
– Joshue F.
Heard about this on the Bananas podcast! My grandpa passed away this year. He was inventive, clever, and ornery. He would love this campaign. Buying a shirt for my mom and I!
– Lauren F.
This is what we need right now. Fun. Words. Love.
– Caroline B.
I am a speech-language pathologist who has an innate love of words. I lost my dad in an accident and love the story and sentiment of the orbisculate effort.
– Robin G.
A good purpose and a helluva neat word.
– John M.
In honor of my Dad who passed 12/8/2019. He once gave me a dictionary to read, not to reference, but to read. He loved crossword puzzles too. Cheers to our dads and all they gave us!
– Eileen Ells
My dad and my husband’s father also made up words we cherish and continue to use.
– Nancy H.
Because this gave me a much-needed laugh in these tough times. Because your dad's a cool and fun guy. Because I want to help spread the word.
– Melvin S.
All words were made up at some point and had a person behind them that gave birth to their word.
– Kenneth P.
I am so moved by the story of one wonderful man’s life and the movement it’s created … I also LOVE words and I’m 83 and might need your services at some point!
– June Q.
We create our own words too.
– Tracy J.
I love this story and am so heartbroken over his passing from Covid. I hope that word gets in the dictionary.
– Judy H.
This is a great story. I saw the two siblings on TV and was so touched by their story. I'm really proud of them. I love that they used their sadness in this way. How wonderful that they want to help Covid survivors.
– Barbara A.
What a great tribute! And it's a perfectly cromulent word.
– Nancy M.
What a really cool man and a really cool way to memorialize him. Plus, it’s a cool word.
– Kylie G.
Because dads are awesome and your dad sounds like he was a wonderful, fun man. Sorry for your loss and good luck.
– Judy M.
I lost my mother, Jan Carlile, to Covid-19 in January. She made the mundane fun and was my favorite person ever in the world! She would have loved this story.
– Jena M.
As a reading specialist, I have a passion for words. As a daughter, I know what it’s like to lose your dad. I absolutely love the way you are honoring his memory.
– Jenn G.
Delighted to finally have a word for the citrus assault on my eyeball!
– Susanna G.
The children of this man touched me and having lost my own Dad, I know difficult the aftermath of the death of a loved one can be. Seems like a good cause.
– Danilyn M.
Saw it on Ellen and wanted to support your father. My so passed away last week and just wanted to help.
– Deborah F.
Love what these two young people are doing in memory of their Dad. My Dad passed away suddenly on April 15, 2020.
– Beth A.
I’m from Boston and the story of these local siblings that lost their dad to Covid really hit home. As did their memories of “Dad-ism’s” and the fact that proceeds go to a good cause.
– Michelle O.
In memory of losing my father.
– Joanna K.
My Father died when I was very young. He was only 32 years old. Tough for a single mom of 4 kids to bury her husband and take care of the kids. It’s a great cause and I orbisculate on people at breakfast all the time. Thanks for the chuckles.
– Kimberly O.
Because ... well ... dads.
– Amber R.
I love the word orbisculate, even though I hate being orbisculated!
– Deborah M.
As a former educator and librarian and wordsmith, who lost my mom when I was 15 (she loved to make up words), what a clever way to honor your dad’s memory.
– Diane Miller
Wonderful campaign to remember a special man. May his memory be a blessing.
– Mark D.
Great campaign for a great cause, and the artwork is perfect!
– Lev G.
May the memory of Neil be forever associated with a smile and the love of his two children!
– Donna S.
This is an incredible way to celebrate a someone who used his creativity and influence to make the world a happier place. Let's all use orbisculate!
– Susan P.
I am very familiar with Carson's Village and they are a fantastic organization! Anything I can do to help them, I will! Huge bonus that I can help get the work "Orbisculate" into the dictionary!!!
– Mary J.
Family loves the Seinfeld “The Wink” episode, where George is orbisculated by a grapefruit, AND appreciate the charitable aspect!
– Marlon H.
I love dictionaries and words. I can’t think of a more beautiful tribute!
– Erin R.
I think it is fun and creative. I have shared it with my classes and we have read the articles together and I challenged them to make up their own word.
– Deborah D.
Sending good juju and positivity from the City of Citrus Heights! We can't wait to celebrate Orbisculate Day. (Also, I typed this using talk-to-text and my phone totally recognized and correctly spelled the word orbisculate.)
– Nichole B.
Hope the word makes it into the dictionary and that Scripps National Spelling Bee uses it someday!
– Kathryn R.
Because my children made me get it.
– Susan K.

The proceeds from anything you purchase will go to Carson’s Village after a small portion of the funds is used to cover basic Mission Orbisculate costs. If you are as nerdy about words as we are -- and we hope you are -- you might, like us, reflexively feel skepticism about promises to donate all “proceeds.” So to be as clear as possible: 1) We at Orbisculation Nation don’t have any paid staff. Almost all work is being done voluntarily or paid for out of our own pockets. The only exception (the “small portion of the funds” referred to above) is the costs associated with designing and maintaining a website and mailing list. 2) Café Press, the company producing and distributing Orbisculation Nation merch, does take a cut from every sale to cover production costs, staff, raw materials, etc. If you would like to know how much of your purchase goes to Carson’s Village/Orbisculation Nation, please email us at squirt@orbisculate.com and we can provide that information.